Yongnuo YN560
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Nájdených 65 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
Cena vrátane DPH
Rádiový ovládač Yongnuo YN560-TX II pre Nikon YN1529The Yongnuo YN560-TX II is a radio controller for remote flash triggering and parameter control of Yongnuo RF602 and RF603 compatible flashes (YN560 III, YN560 IV, YN660, YN860Li). In cooperation with flashes equipped with a built-in compatible receiver, the controller enables wireless: flash trigge... |
64,00 € |
Bezdrôtová riadiaca jednotka pre blesky YONGNUO YN560-TX PRO pro CanonRiadiaca bezdrôtová jednotka umožňuje diaľkové ovládanie bleskov a odpaľovačov Yongnuo, ktoré možno rozdeliť do piatich samostatných skupín. V každej skupine potom môžete zvlášť nastaviť režim TTL, M a Multi a nastaviť zoom výbojky. S jednotkou je možné pri použití vhodných odpaľovačov (RF-603, RF-6... |
113,03 € |
86,03 € |
Blesk Yongnuo YN560 III (V2018)Blesk Yongnuo YN560 III (V2018) Popis produktu není dostatečný? Našli jste chybu? Napište na objednávky@euroking.cz děkujeme |
97,53 € |
Flash lampa Yongnuo Yongnuo YN560 III Negativní displej |
97,53 € |
Vysielač Yongnuo YN560-TX Pro pre Nikon YN1124YN560-TX Pro is a breakthrough radio controller from Yongnuo for remote control of reporter lamps. This developmental version of YN560-TX II in a way unifies older RF602/603/605 and YN622 II wireless triggering systems. Among other things, the device allows control of the lamps in five groups, for f... |
101,00 € |
Yongnuo YN560-TX Pro transmitter for NikonYN560-TX Pro is a breakthrough radio controller from Yongnuo for remote control of reporter lamps. This developmental version of YN560-TX II in a way unifies older RF602/603/605 and YN622 II wireless triggering systems. Among other things, the device allows control of the lamps in five groups, for f... |
86,49 € |
Yongnuo YN560-TX Pro Transmitter for CanonYN560-TX Pro is a breakthrough radio controller from Yongnuo for remote control of reporter lamps. This developmental version of YN560-TX II in a way unifies older RF602/603/605 and YN622 II wireless triggering systems. Among other things, the device allows control of the lamps in five groups, for f... |
86,49 € |
Vysielač Yongnuo YN560-TX Pro pre Canon YN1130YN560-TX Pro is a breakthrough radio controller from Yongnuo for remote control of reporter lamps. This developmental version of YN560-TX II in a way unifies older RF602/603/605 and YN622 II wireless triggering systems. Among other things, the device allows control of the lamps in five groups, for f... |
101,00 € |
Yongnuo YN560-TX Pro radio controller for SonyYongnuo YN560-TX Pro is a groundbreaking radio controller designed for Sony cameras. It features a large backlit screen for excellent working comfort. The controller allows remote control of reporter lights. It allows you to work with devices operating in five groups, offering 16 independent channel... |
88,99 € |
Vysielač Yongnuo YN560-TX Pro pre NikonYN560-TX Pro Je prelomový rádiový ovládač od Yongnuo na diaľkové ovládanie reportérskych lámp. Táto vývojová verzia YN560-TX II istým spôsobom zjednocuje staršie bezdrôtové spúšťacie systémy RF602/603/605 a YN622 II. Zariadenie okrem iného umožňuje ovládanie svietidiel v piatich skupinách, pre nas... |
98,90 € |
Rádiový ovladač Yongnuo Yongnuo YN560-TX Pro na Nikon |
90,49 € |
Radio controller Yongnuo YN560-TX II for CanonThe Yongnuo YN560-TX II is a radio controller for remote flash triggering and parameter control of Yongnuo RF602 and RF603 compatible flashes (YN560 III, YN560 IV, YN660, YN860Li). In cooperation with flashes equipped with a built-in compatible receiver, the controller enables wireless: flash trigge... |
48,99 € |
Flash Yongnuo YN560 IV Negative DisplayThe Yongnuo YN560 IV Negative Display is the next iteration of one of the best-selling manual flashes. The Speedlight with built-in RF receiver is the perfect choice for strobing enthusiasts. The Negative Display version is equipped with a new, easy to read LCD screen. It is compatible with RF603, R... |
93,49 € |
Rádiový ovládač Yongnuo YN560-TX II pre Canon YN0683The Yongnuo YN560-TX II is a radio controller for remote flash triggering and parameter control of Yongnuo RF602 and RF603 compatible flashes (YN560 III, YN560 IV, YN660, YN860Li). In cooperation with flashes equipped with a built-in compatible receiver, the controller enables wireless: flash trigge... |
64,00 € |
Rádiový ovládač Yongnuo YN560-TX II pre Sony YN3775Yongnuo YN560-TX II is a radio controller for remote flash triggering and parameter control of flashes compatible with Yongnuo RF602 and RF603 system (YN560 III, YN560 IV, YN660, YN860Li). The presented model is compatible with Sony cameras. The device is distinguished by a large, easy-to-read LCD d... |
63,00 € |
Flash Yongnuo YN560 IV negatívny displej YN2537The Yongnuo YN560 IV Negative Display is the next iteration of one of the best-selling manual flashes. The Speedlight with built-in RF receiver is the perfect choice for strobing enthusiasts. The Negative Display version is equipped with a new, easy to read LCD screen. It is compatible with RF603, R... |
108,00 € |
Radio controller Yongnuo YN560-TX II for NikonThe Yongnuo YN560-TX II is a radio controller for remote flash triggering and parameter control of Yongnuo RF602 and RF603 compatible flashes (YN560 III, YN560 IV, YN660, YN860Li). In cooperation with flashes equipped with a built-in compatible receiver, the controller enables wireless: flash trigge... |
48,99 € |
Rádiový ovladač Yongnuo Yongnuo YN560-TX Pro do Canon |
90,77 € |
Yongnuo Flash Negativní displej Yongnuo YN560 IVYongnuo Flash Negativní displej Yongnuo YN560 IV Popis produktu není dostatečný? Našli jste chybu? Napište na objednávky@euroking.cz děkujeme |
96,15 € |
Nájdených 65 výsledkov |